I just wrote about Jornalero, and a few other apps for low income workers for Future Tense - a collaboration between Slate Magazine, the New America Foundation, and Arizona State University. Here's an excerpt, check out the full article here.
New Apps Like Jornalero Aim to Protect Low-Income Workers. Here’s How They Could Backfire.
Smartphones like the iPhone 5C have been developed for and marketed to upwardly mobile professionals, but increasingly, low-income consumers are using them too. Sean Gallup/Getty Images
Since Steve Jobs announced the very first iPhone in 2007, smartphones have been largely developed for and marketed to upwardly mobile professionals. These little devices, and the flood of applications for them, transformed the way many of us think about computing and communication. However, in the shadow of this attention-grabbing change for elites, a quieter revolution has also been taking place...see the rest over at Future Tense.