No More Sundrenched Offices

Looking at the stock images of digital technologies in the workplace, you might think the only people that use them are knowledge workers in beautiful, sundrenched offices. Low-wage workers, tradespeople, domestic workers, and retail workers have been left out of conversations about the "Future of Work," in some part because their use has been excluded from the public imaginary about what digital technology use at work looks like for anyone who doesn't do knowledge work. The images below are a small attempt at addressing this exclusion. They were all taken by me, with permission, and freely available to use under Creative Commons. Check back for more soon! 

A Handyman's First Day in Chelsea

A Handyman's First Day in Chelsea

A Construction Foreman in the West Village checks on suppliers

A Construction Foreman in the West Village checks on suppliers

A Smoke & A Book on a Break for a Retail Veteran

A Smoke & A Book on a Break for a Retail Veteran

A Break from Opening Wine Bottles for a Waiter in Midtown

A Break from Opening Wine Bottles for a Waiter in Midtown

A Midtown Cleaner (seated) checks in on family abroad

A Midtown Cleaner (seated) checks in on family abroad